The Newark College of Engineering is host to an impressive collection of student run and operated teams that design and build vehicles, aircraft, boats, solar cars, and more. Find more information below.
Students on the SAE Baja Team undertake the design of a high-performance, off-road vehicle from scratch. All teams are given the same engine and are tasked with designing the most durable, fastest and cost-effective vehicle using similar components. View their webpage here:
The NJIT Solar Car Team designs a 100% solar-powered vehicle compliant to meet standards set by Formula Sun Grand Prix. The team designs and fabricates almost all of the mechanical and electrical components for the vehicle in-house at NJIT. From year to year, the design regulations change and the team must adapt and improve the vehicle’s design and performance.
The NJIT SAE Aero Design Team is tasked with designing and fabricating from scratch a radio-controlled payload carrying aircraft that maximizes carrying capacity while minimizing overall size. Each year, there are specific types of payload that the design must carry and challenges that the design must overcome.