ENGR101 is a hands-on introductory course where students are introduced to concepts and methods of mathematics along with engineering problems and applications that rely on concepts of mathematics. This course is a requirement for students who place into Math 110 as per the Mandatory Placement exam for all incoming first-time full-time first-year students. This class offers a combination of lab work, exams, and assignments.
Students placed in either pre-calculus courses (MATH108 or MATH110) are required to take ENGR101. Students placed into MATH111 (calculus I) can choose to take ENGR101. The flow of pre-calculus and calculus goes like this:
Pre-Calculus Calculus
While this course is primarily for NCE students enrolled in Math 110 if you believe you could benefit from the course material outlined in the syllabus, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about registering.