For Employers
For Employers
As a current or potential employer, how does NJIT’s Newark College of Engineering (NCE) Cooperative Education Program benefit you?
In the news, we constantly hear about the critical shortage of skilled employees, particularly in the fields of technology, science, math and engineering. As an employer, you have first-hand experience losing good people and know the work involved in trying to retain good employees or find new ones.
Our program integrates skilled and carefully selected engineering students into your workplace in a way that makes strong business sense. These students bring current and relevant skills to your work teams, allowing you the organizational flexibility to move other key personnel to more senior tasks.
NJIT NCE Co-op offers employers a host of advantages, including: an unlimited resource of motivated and skilled future professionals; six-month employment cycles that provide flexible scheduling options; and the opportunity to tap into the NYC Metro region's most qualified job candidates before they join the work force.
Consider the advantages that NJIT NCE students offer participating organizations:
- Co-op students are available to employers year-round, not just part-time or during summer breaks, thanks to NJIT NCE's recurring six-month employment cycles.
- Co-op students attend a mandatory classroom orientation before their first employment experience.
- Co-op students reflect on what they practice in the workplace and how it relates to their classroom learning.
- Co-op students are considered full-time students while employed and are governed by NJIT policies and procedures.
- Beyond staffing, you and your organization gain community respect. You will create goodwill as the community learns of your support of local college students.
Cooperative Education provides your organization with an "inside track" for staffing the technical ranks. It's very simple to initiate a relationship with NJIT NCE's Cooperative Education. Just visit our Career Development Center (CDS).